The secret to great leadership isn’t a secret.

As a leader, you succeed when your team succeeds. Packed into a book you can read on a single plane flight, Leadership Is About People is your guide to leading teams to success, no matter your mission.

It’s all about people.



“This is a very refreshing and unbiased guide to leadership and planning.”


“A well-crafted work with real insight and deeper thought than most…”


“An outstanding, and highly practical guide to leadership and project management…”


“I wish I had read this book years ago.”


“I highly recommend this book to anyone in charge of a team of people, or those aspiring to become effective leaders/managers.”


“Inspiring and brimming with positivity…”

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Do you remember that time when you…

  • …had a question but you were intimidated but you asked your question anyway?
  • …saw someone struggling and you stopped to help them?
  • …decided to speak up and disagree with people when you saw them going the wrong direction?
  • …offered to help someone else solve a problem?
  • …acted with courage to do the right thing?
  • …stepped forward and spoke up when someone needed to?

You volunteered to be a people-focused leader.

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Andrew Robertson

My name is Andrew Robertson and I’m the author of this book. The content reflects my perspective which has evolved over years of managing real teams of people working on complex problems in the aerospace industry. I received a bachelor’s degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a master’s and Ph.D. from Stanford University.

Duane Dier

Throughout the process of writing this book, I worked very closely with my friend and work colleague Duane Dier. Duane earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of California, Davis. Together, Andrew and Duane have over thirty years of experience in the aerospace industry, which has given us a sincere conviction that great leadership is all about people.

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